Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lobbyist weeps after wiretap played in Ala. trial (AP)

MONTGOMERY, Ala. ? A lobbyist wept on the witness stand during a corruption trial in Alabama when she heard a taped phone call of her casino owner client suggesting she expose her breasts to win a senator's vote on gambling legislation.

Jennifer Pouncy testified Tuesday in the trial of former Sen. Jim Preuitt, two other present and former senators, and three people associated with casinos.

Pouncy lobbied for the electronic bingo casino Country Crossing. In an FBI wiretap, Country Crossing developer Ronnie Gilley suggests to Pouncy's supervisor that she expose her breasts to Preuitt and allow him to touch her.

Gilley says in the call: "Tell her I'll give her a $50,000 bonus."

Pouncy pleaded guilty to conspiracy; Gilley pleaded guilty to bribery and conspiracy.


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