Monday, July 16, 2012

The effects of meditation on the mind, body and spirit

The practice of meditation leads to obtain a certain degree of internalization which is healthy for the body, mind and spirit. We?ve done meditation since childhood, so we are well aware of its effects and these have helped us to overcome from very complex times, until a heavy day.


Meditation is both a means and an end in itself; it is a means to help improve the physical and mental health, and a purpose insofar as it tends to the spiritual elevation to allow an approach to the transcendent awareness.

What is meditation?

A meditation exercise always starts with a harmonization body through physical, mental relaxation and breathing exercise. At this stage the meditator will gradually distancing from the circumstances of the outside world, which act as stimuli on the organism causing tensions, and by concentrating begins to cultivate sensitivity towards its inner reality.

The most notable effect of the meditation is possibly that occurs on the brain waves, which have been studied via EEG. The brain emits different frequency waves that vary in different States of consciousness.

What happens in the brain?

Usually in a state of wakefulness, when the senses are dumps to the outside and in an attitude of alert, brain waves are normally on the beta frequency, with differences between both hemispheres and between the anterior and posterior areas of the brain.

During meditation, this picture changes completely. As soon as the session begins, appears a large increase of Alpha activity, corresponds to the State of relaxation which occurs especially in the moments before sleep; then increases the amplitude of alpha waves and observed one synchronization between the two hemispheres and between the anterior and posterior areas of the brain, causing a feeling of integration between the body and the mind.

As deepens meditation is possible to reach the theta activity, which appears during sleep and is characterized by the plastic memory, greater capacity for learning, fantasy, imagination, and creative inspiration.

What happens in the body?

The state of meditation also produces physiological effects. Decreases heart rate, lowers blood pressure and reduces the absorption of oxygen, all functions controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which is which directs the involuntary processes. The body enters a state of deep sleep than during normal sleep, which helps improving the cognitive faculties and perception.

What happens in the psyche?

Meditation produces positive psychological effects, both short-term and long-term. In the short term it will give us feeling of inner peace and general well-being. And if we have the habit of meditating regularly, in the long term, we will feel greater satisfaction and productivity in the Studio and at work, as well as easier to awaken our creativity.

People who practice meditation frequently and consume psychotropic drugs for depression, insomnia or anxiety, may decrease them gradually until even, leaving them completely.

All of these effects have been tested in medical studies; it is not only subjective sensations but a positive reaction of the organism. Throughout the world the practice of meditation; is spreading There are doctors who recommend it to their patients, and coaches that advise it athletes to improve their performance.

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