Monday, July 16th, 2012 at 12:34 pm ?
Perhaps IM marketers feel podcasts are not cool or effective in marketing. There?s a perception that they?re like radio shows or online radio stations. The intent of podcasting for marketers is to use it in the exact same way as you would an article. Some people even make people pay to listen to their podcasts. Or of course most people offer them for free. As you develop your listening audience, then you can work your marketing message into the mix. We?ll discuss some effective points about podcast creation for you.
There?s much to be said for enunciation when you?re talking. Do not mumble because it can kill what would otherwise probably be a great podcast. Clear delivery when you talk is paramount, and avoid talking too fast because people may miss what you?re saying. You have to find the right balance because if you talk too slowly, then people can become bored which is not good. Recorded speech is not the same thing as the speech during a conversation. When you have a conversation with someone the other person has other cues to help them pick up on words you might mumble or leave out. So, naturally, when you?re recording a podcast, you will not have that luxury. There are so many different aspects of both online and offline business that have the potential for overwhelming anyone. There are people who started in business on the web back in the 1990s and eventually incorporated reviewengineroi into their operations, and they will confirm that all of that is totally normal. There are several reasons why those who are making money with their business tend to outsource as much as possible. What you should strive for is combining as many effective approaches as possible. There is nothing more frustrating than learning the hard way, and we are talking about getting educated about any new marketing or business method, first. When you take this approach of planning and executing with good information, then that will help you to eliminate the possibility of some mistakes.
Be sure to create some kind of record keeping system for your podcast content. It could be a little embarrassing if you make a podcast of something from last year. Your records can also serve as starting points for future podcasts, too.
Podcast updates is another viable and legitimate path you can take. It?s very important to keep accurate records of your marketing promotions, special offers, etc. Sometimes there will be a need to research something you said, or information you gave out, in a past podcast.
It?s critical, moreso when you?re new, to publish your podcasts on a regular schedule. If you do this well, then your listeners will get into the habit of expecting your podcasts on a regular basis. You?ll have a much more difficult time building a following if you don?t do this. It?s all about building a relationship, and letting people know you?re dependable and can be trusted. Work a decent publishing schedule and then go to work and stick to it.
It?s all about getting your content and message out to your audience, and podcasting can do that for you. Whether you charge or allow free access, it?s up to you to decide on that.
It?s absolutely true that podcasts can get you the kind of results you?re looking for in online marketing. Remember you need to be trusted and have a reputation for giving good value in all you do. That is how win-win marketing works.
Tagged with: business ? make money online ? marketing ? work from home
Filed under: Internet Business Marketing
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