Sunday, August 26, 2012

Automotive News, Auto News and Trends from Automotive Digest | 5 ...

5 Places You Wouldn?t Expect to See an EV Charging Station


Accord?ing to Green Car Reports, there are five places you can find elec?tric vehi?cle charg?ing sta?tions where you wouldn?t have expected it:
1. Czech power com?pany CEZ just opened the first pub?lic charg?ing sta?tion located at a fast food restau?rant in the Czech Repub?lic. At a McDonald?s in Prague the sta?tion has two, reg?u?lar house?hold out?lets, pro?vid?ing 240-volts of power. It would take about six hours to charge up some?thing like a Mit?subishi i car. That would be a lot of burg?ers.
2. Methane extracted from dis?til?la?tion waste by-product at Bruich?lad?dich dis?tillery on the Scot?tish island of Islay pow?ers the distillery?s elec?tri?cal sys?tems and charges the owner?s Nis?san Leaf.
3. The Stevens Pass Ski Resort in Wash?ing?ton state has two pub?lic charg?ing sta?tions, and up at 4,061 ele?va?tion could be the high?est place on the U.S. to charge.
4. Gas sta?tions are prob?a?bly the last place you?d expect to find one, but if you go to Mur?phy Express Gas on Lee High?way in Chat?tanooga, Tenn., you?ll find free, fast charg?ing ports.
5. How about a bank? In Cal?i?for?nia, a joint project between Solar City and Rabobank is bring?ing charg?ing sta?tions to a few par?tic?i?pat?ing Rabobank branches.


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